Teach them the right way!

You own a retail floral shop and have just hired a handful of new employees. They have zero experience working with flowers. Where to begin? We love inviting newcomers into our exciting industry, so here is a helpful guide to train your new employees how to process your wholesale blooms:


process your wholesale blooms



Sanitize cooler buckets and the surrounding areas. Make sure that that floral coolers are disinfected. This will not only keep your workspace clean but also help the longevity of the flower’s vase life. Clean working area thoroughly before and after working. Great habits begin during training!


process your wholesale blooms


Process Fragile Flowers First

Begin processing fragile and water-sensitive flowers first. This may seem straightforward and common sense, but for a newbie to the industry, this is a helpful piece of advice. Allow those flowers that need the extra rehydration plenty of time to rest in cool and clean water.


process your wholesale blooms


Finish with Greenery

Also, make sure that your new employees know how to handle greenery. These items do need rehydration as well however, they tend to be much hardier than the delicate petals of flowers. This means that your new employees should learn to save processing greenery until last. Once each flower has been properly taken care of, you can then begin to work with the foliage you’ve received from your wholesaler.

Display Blooms and Arrangements Attractively


If your retail shop has a cooler that can be seen by your customers it is important to display your processed flowers and arrangements in a pleasing manner. Let your new employees know that they should not just throw items into the cooler haphazardly. Customers will be attracted and will potentially convince them to make a purchase when they see a beautifully organized cooler.


process your wholesale blooms


This seems simple enough! A crash course in proper processing is even helpful to veterans in the industry. It is always a good time to learn new things and catch up. Here at Main Wholesale Florist, we love to talk with our customers. What questions do you have? What tips do you have for training new employees? We can’t wait to hear from you!